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Photoshop Tutorial Elegant Grey Photo With Photoshop

Hai guys Buat yang suka Photoshop Design atau yang suka edit-edit foto sekarang saya mau share tutorial baru nih ssaya juga gak tau ini namanya tutorial apaan tpi kayaknya bisa membantu temen temen yang lagi belajar photoshop. Hasil akhirnya bisa dilihat dibawah ini cekidot.

Keren kan ? keren kan ? ok kita langsung aja menuju tutorial
  •  Kita buka gambar yang mau diedit. Kita bisa klik File - > Open dan pilih foto yang mau diedit. Atau bisa juga drag foto yang akan kamu edit ke photoshop. Bebas terserah kamu mau pilih yang mana sama aja kok hehe…
  •  Setelah itu tean Ctrl+J untuk menduplikasi layer background.

  • Setelah diduplikat lalu kita seleksi dengan menggunakan Pentool. Semua orang yang ada didalam foto.

  •  Setelah semua orang didalam foto terseleksi lalu kita klik kanan pada foto dan pilih Make Selection -> Enter dan voila dan orang orang tersebut terseleksi. 

  • Tekan Ctrl+J pada layer 1 sampai  menghasilkan Layer 2 dengan background yang terpotong.

  • Kembali pada layer satu dan ubah Blend Mode menjadi Soft Light.

  • Masukan gambar package cosmos pattern ke photoshop dan simpan dibawah Layer 2  otomatis namanya akan berubah menjadi Layer 3. Kamu bisa download cosmos pattern disini.

  • Lalu ubah Blend Mode Layer 3 menjadi Overlay.

  • Setelah itu masukan lagi Package Cosmos Pattern yang lainnya dan simpan diatas Layer 3 dan ubah Blend Mode menjadi Vivid Light.

Setelah Diubah Blend Mode Layer 4 Menjadi Vivid Light

  • Hapus bagian bawah yang ditandai dengan menggunakn Erase Tool dengan Hardness 0%.

Setelah dihapus

  •  Setelah itu ayo kita atur pencahayaan :D. pertama kita kembali ke Layer 2 dan duplikat Layer 2 dengan menggunakan Ctrl+J. Lalu ubah Blend Mode Layer 2 Copy menjadi Soft Light.

Ubah Blend Mode menjadi Soft Light

  • Klik icon bulat yang ada dibawah layer lalu pilih Black And White -> Enter

Setelah Icon Bulat Di klik

Setelah Black & White di klik. Jangan takut karena jadi abu abu ini masih dalam proses kok :D

  • Ubah Blend Mode Layer Black & White menjadi Lighter Color.

  •  Hapus bagian abu abu dibibir dengan menggunakn Erase tool atau klik Layer Mask (Itu Yang Putih) lalu bersihin warna yang Abu-abu dengan menggunakan Brush Tool dengan Warna Hitam

  •  Voila Udah jadi deh Fotonya :D

Gak Pake Black & White Juga Bagus Kok

  • Tips : Lebih baik tidak terpaku pada tutorial tapi coba edit foto dengan gayamu sendiri. Sekian Tutorial dari Photoshop Desain. Jangan Lupa Komen sama Share Tutorial ini Sebaik baiknya orang adalah orang yang berbagi Ilmu dengan orang lain.

Perfect Script Qaskin

Elegant script typeface in two versions; Black and White.

Download Link : Download

Great Font Remochine Script

font is one of the most important part in the design and also add can add aesthetic value in a design. fonts can be combined with the background brush and interesting model of course . type of font is very much like the script , retro and more and now I will share manifold script font that is very unique and very awesome you can download it for free by pressing the download button do not forget to share articles for our blog continuity.

Download Link : Download 

Package Cosmos

very amazing space with stars and planets are lined up and rotating around the sun at different times . Most people would love to play there and enjoy the stunning views of space , but they faltered at a cost . indeed the way into space is very expensive can reach millions of dollars at a fantastic price that people can only dream and imagine even just seeing it on television . but now you can have drawings in space for free just by pressing the download button below you are able to edit the photos you 're in space

Link Download : Download

Cassual Font Allura

The casual characters of Allura Regular ar straightforward and clean and extremely readable, with Associate in Nursing nearly written script attractiveness. The script and formal sets provide a softer, a lot of formal look. This exceptionally various font was designed with advertising, show and package style in mind. The OpenType professional version of Allura combines all 3 designs in conjunction with additional alternate glyphs and flourished graphics to allow the skilled designer most flexibility.

You Can Download This Font Above

Download Link : Download

Star Brush

Brush is a tool that is diadobe photoshop to create and enhance the design . brush aside the necessary fonts to add to the impression of elegance in a design . now many people who have made an interesting brush brush bahnkan we never brush Think like a ghost , abstract and others .

and now I will share star brush . This brush is a brush that has a unique star-shaped .

You can download this brush by pressing the download button below

Download Link : Download

Hipster Script Pro

Hipster Script is another of my habitual makes an attempt at attempting to cut back the divide between manual and digital. during this case, I try and articulate brush written material, try and get the pc to emulate continuous painting. the method wasn't that totally different from my work with Feel Script's shot at computerised business written material, although here we've a additional casual distinction, instead of the high seriousness of the Copperplate script. Swashes, alternates, ligatures — too several of them, all attempting to form the interaction between the tool’s 2 extreme widths stay devoted at hand movement subtleties. I conjointly toyed with ligatures containing apostrophes, one thing I've ne'er seen before. With this type i believe I've become additional balanced in uniting the spontaneousness of post-war ad written material with the present trends in illustration and style.

Hipster Script received a Judge’s selection Certificate of Excellence at the kind administrators of recent royal house and was chosen to be a part of the Bienal Tipos Latinos 2012.

Download :Link : Download

Voyage Font

font is one of the most important parts of a design . fonts can make the design more attractive and looks nice . font also has a price no less than 400 dollars or even more expensive than it is .

Now I will share about the new font that will make you a better design that is Voyage font .

You can download it for free here

Download Link : Download

Shadow Brush Set

Brush is one of the components present in photoshop . useful to enhance the appearance of design that you create .

Ultimate Font The Carpenter

The Carpenter is a chic and versatile connected script family of 3 weights. The Carpenter conjointlycontains a set of ornaments, patterns and pictograms designed to support the script font. The Carpenter has lots of OpenType features: To activate the alternates click on Swash, Contextual,rhetorical or Titling Alternates or Lining Figures in any OpenType Savvy program or manually choose between even a lot of alternate characters from glyptography Palette.

Larsseit Dynamic Proportions

Font is the most important part in a design , because the font can change the view seer . fonts can affect whether or not a good design design one of which can be seen from the font .

The price of a wide variety of fonts was nothing so cheap even some free fonts that cost hundreds of dollars depending on the uniqueness of the font . 

And now I will share premium fonts are free for you . You can download free fonts below.

 Download Link : Download

Retro Font Streetwear

Font is one of the most important parts of a design . fonts can make the design more interesting and make people admire the design that you create . Determinants of whether or not the design views of the font , brush , texture and more .

Now I will share a unique font that is Street Wear . Streetwear is one of the fonts of type retro and would be much better if the font is united with a hard texture and brush interesting that will make it more interesting fonts .

You can download it here for free by pressing the download button below.

Link Download : Download 

Floral Brush High Resolutions

brush is one part of the adobe photoshop which serves to add objects and enhance the design . You can combine your designs with the brush , and the font will be look more attractive . brush that interest is such an elegant brush floral brush . you can download here for free floral brush

Download Brush : Download

Pacifico Font

Must have a unique design of other design and which affect the unique design is the font . font can make designmu become more elegant and attractive look . one of the best fonts to beautify your design is pacifico you can download free fonts pacufico .

Download Link : Download

Debris Brush Set

Debris Brush is great brush Uuse them for exploding planets/people/buildings/watermelons, pretty much anything.

Download Brush : Download

Best Font Voluptate Unique Font

voluptate very unique font is a font as well as its good voluptate element also has elements that are varied and suitable for use in your design.

Download Voluptate Font : Download

Nomocon Font

Nomocon is the best font in 2014. Nomocon have many types and one of them is nomocon catchwords . catchword type that became an icon of this font . you can get it for free here and only here
Link Download  :  Download

Play, Pause dan Stop button di Flash AS2

Setelah pada pembahasan sebelumnya kita belajar pemahaman dasar AS2 sekarang kita coba dengan menghentikan, memulai dan melanjutkan animasi yang kita buat di pelajaran sebelumnya.

Pertama-tama kita buka project yang kemarin kita buat.

Lalu kita buat 1 layer baru, yang berisi 1 buah kotak tanpa outline lalu kita buat jadi sebuah button, caranya seleksi kotak yang mau di jadikan button lalu tekan F8 dan ganti type menjadi button.

Kita duplikat button yang baru kita buat menjadi 4 bagian(caranya pilih button lalu di keyboard ctrrl+c lalu ctrl+v), jangan lupa untuk merapikan posisinya. Lalu kita beri tulisan masing-masing dengan tulisan PLAY, PAUSE, RESUME dan STOP.

Sekarang bagian koding. :D
kita pilih button yang ada tulisannya play lalu tekan F9 di keyboard, lalu kita ketikkan script di bawah ini..


mari kita jelaskan beberapa script diatas.

script ini berarti perintah kepada si button yang kita pilih saat di tekan dan

berarti isi dari perintah saat si button kita di tekan(animasi mulai di mainkan di frame ke 2).

kalian lihat ada {} di antara perintah buttonnya. itu menandakan fungsi atau perintah kita. '{' berarti perintah si button di mulai dari sini dan '}' berarti perintah button kita berakhir sampai sini.

untuk button yang lainnya juga sama, cuman scriptnya berbeda.
pause :

on(press){  //saat button di tekan
     stop(); //animasi berhenti
} //akhir perintah

resume :

on(press){  //saat button di tekan
     play(); //animasi di mulai lagi
} //akhir perintah

stop :

on(press){  //saat button di tekan
     gotoAndStop(1); //menghentikan animasi ke tempat awal.
} //akhir perintah

sebelumnya kalian lihat saya memberikan '//' di script lalu menjelaskan artinya,  itu berarti sebuah komentar(komentar tidak akan di baca di script) kalian bisa mengkapus komentarnya jika merasa terganggu.

kita coba test project buatan kita.apa semua script berjalan lancar...?
kalau iya SELAMAT.. :D

sekarang mungkin kalian merasa kalau pas saat animasi kita mulai di test movie, animasinya langsung berjalan.iya kan...?

sekarang tugas buat kalian, coba kalian cari tau bagaimana caranya menghentikan animasi saat pertama kali di mainkan.

clue : scriptnya pendek kok...ada di salah satu script di atas..coba aja satu-satu, atau mungkin di pelajaran sebelumnya.

Mussica Swash Font

Keren gak keren gak ?
Fontnya bisa di download dibawah ini

Great Font Lakesight

The lakeside is one of the best fonts in 2014. You can get it for free just by pressing the download button below.

Link download : Download